Taking the unusual step of publishing my playlist before my show. But everything is on lockdown for tonight's Dark Night of the Soul. so it's all good. Podcast to come.
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
Julee Cruise / Falling / Floating Into the Night
David Lynch & Alan Splet / Part 1 / Eraserhead (Original Soundtrack)
Dark Night of the Soul / Revenge (feat. The Flaming Lips) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Just War (feat. Gruff Rhys) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Jaykub (feat. Jason Lytle) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Little Girl (feat. Julian Casablancas) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Angel's Harp (feat. Black Francis) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Pain (feat. Iggy Pop) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Star Eyes (I Can't Catch It) (feat. David Lynch) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Everytime I'm With You (feat. Jason Lytle) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Insane Lullaby (feat. James Mercer) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Daddy's Gone (feat. Mark Linkous and Nena Persson) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / The Man Who Played God (feat. Suzanne Vega) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Grim Augury (feat. Vic Chesnutt) / Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul / Dark Night of the Soul (feat. David Lynch) / Dark Night of the Soul
David Lynch & Alan Splet / Part 2 / Eraserhead (Original Soundtrack)
Jay-Z/Dangermouse / Encore / The Grey Album
Danger Doom / No Names / The Mouse and the Mask
Gnarls Barkley / Storm Coming / St. Elsewhere
The Good, The Bad & The Queen / Three Changes / The Good, The Bad & The Queen
Beck / Modern Guilt / Modern Guilt
Sparklehorse / Knives Of Summertime / Dreamt For Light Years In The Belly Of A Mountain
Sparklehorse With The Flaming Lips / Go / The Late Great Daniel Johnston: Discovered Covered (Disc 1 :
Daniel Johnston & Mark Linkous / Syrup of Tears / Fear Yourself
Roy Orbison / In Dreams / Super Hits
Listen to DJ Yuri G every
Friday night at 11:59pmPST
on Pirate Cat Radio,
87.9 FM in San Francisco
or on the internet
at http://www.piratecatradio.com
Hit me up on Twitter, whydoncha?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Algae Mystery Solved: It's Algae!
Dr. Sean, Medicine Woman wins the prize. Last week's lead story--the giant black blob floating off the Alaskan coast--really is just algae. Just like he said. And no, it's not going to devour us, unlock the mysteries of the universe, of become an alternative source of power. It's just going to float around Alaska and disgust us all. Like Sarah Palin.
Tonight! Dark Night of the Soul
Tangled as it is in the legal pissings of the record industry, the Sparklehorse, Dangermouse, David Lynch collaboration "Dark Night of the Soul" may never see an official release. Fortunately, like Dangermouse's Beatles/Jay-Z mashup "The Grey Album" before it, DNOTS is widely available on the Internet. Lucky us!
And so, I'll be playing it tonight on Pirate Cat Radio, 87.9FM or on the internet stream. Plus songs from all the involved parties.
Sadly, the best overview of the DNOTS situation comes from Rolling Stone. Read about it, if you like. I give the story three stars...it means you never having to say you're sorry.
Tomorrow: Global Day of Action in Support of Iran
But seriously, folks...
San Francisco joins nearly 100 cities worldwide to support those protesting the violent government response to the suspicious results of the recent Iranian presidential election. Get out there and show your support at Civic Center Plaza, Saturday at Noon.
For background, here's the show we did about the Iran election.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Japan Attacked by Giant Jellyfish, Nation Responds by Serving Ice Cream
Pink, slimy, six-foot-wide, 400+ pound jellyfish are preparing for a holiday in the Sea of Japan. Millions of Echizen kurage, or Nomura’s jellyfish, are cooling their tentacles near Korea before their drift towards Japan over the next few months. Good thing the island nation doesn't have a diet that relies much on fish, because the jellypocalypes has completely shut down commercial fishing in the past. Doh!
According to the Wall Street Journal's 2007 report on the jellyswarm, the Nomura jellyfish were historically only occasionally spotted in the Sea of Japan. But during the largest outbreak yet in 2005, an estimated 500 million jellyfish splashed down EVERY FRICKEN DAY!
The Times Online UK continues: "No one is sure about the reasons for the slimy plague. One theory is that global warming is heating up the sea water and encouraging them to breed. Another blames effluent from rivers in China [see: Three Gorges Dam], which carries nutrients on which the jellyfish feed. Another blames over-fishing of other species, leaving a surfeit of plankton for the Echizen kurage to feed on.
Meanwhile, enterprising Japanese are making the most of the maritime catastrophe. Fishermen have devised ways of keeping the jellyfish out of their nets with sharp wires. Scientists have discovered a method of extracting collagen form the jellyfish, an ingredient of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, increasingly valued as a health food, and usually extracted from pig or fish carcasses."
So you can inject jellyfish into your lips to make them full and supple. Cool.Even cooler, you can inject jellyfish into your belly (via your esophagus) to make it, uh, full and supple. Thanks to the Tango Jersey Dairy, that is. The company will hunt inside the jellyfish blizzard to create it's now seasonal vanilla jellyfish ice cream. The product is described as "slightly chewy." Please celebrate environmental doom with a bowl. This story ends on a happy note.
July 24 Psionic Dehiscence Will Feature Unreleased "Dark Night of the Soul"
Weekly Weed News: iPhone App Helps Users "Find Marijuana"
Cool enough to have an iPhone but not cool enough to have a dealer? A new application for your world hunger-solving pocket computer can now also help you find medical marijuana dispensaries, or "compassion centers," near you.
Says the Guardian UK:
"For just $2.99 Apple is offering customers a service that allows them to find local marijuana suppliers. The news has created a buzz online, as the world's stoners contemplate carrying out online price comparisons between dealers in their local areas.
But before bongs are fired up in celebration it should be noted the new service actually aims to help people locate legal medical suppliers in the US, rather than the best place to get hold of a quarter of Moroccan black in the neighbourhood."
Friday, July 17, 2009
Psionic Dehiscence Playlist: July 18
Listen to the podcast, it's good for the bamboo. And Dr. Anand Mehta was an excellent sport, indulging our dumb questions about the state of US health care. And where to travel for plastic surgery. Answer: Brazil (for quality) and Thailand (for value).
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
Mötley Crüe / Dr. Feelgood / Dr. Feelgood
Geinoh Yamashirogumi / Tetsuo / AKIRA
Frozen Cloak / Frozen Cloak / Frozen Cloak
Jason Forrest / The Walls Of The City Shake (Featuring David Grubbs) / Shamelessly Exciting
$jammie the money / Get Paid / Get Paid
Spank Rock / Sweet Talk / YoYoYoYoYoYo
Dorian Concept / Color Sexist / When Planets Explode
Rob Sonic / Ready Aim Shoot / Sabotage Gigante
Jay Dee aka J Dilla / Reality Check (feat. Black Thought) / Jay Stay Paid
Shit Robot / Simple Things (Work It Out) (Main Mix) / Simple Things (Work It Out)
Last Step / Triple Self Portrait / 1961
Guido Möbius / Sssplitter / Gebirge
Neil Landstrumm / The Dose (with Ebola) / Lord For £39
The Poison Arrows / Oneself (Brother El Remix) / The Poison Arrows
Dan Deacon / Slow With Horns-Run For Your Life / Bromst
Monoton / Periodic Primes / Eight Lost Tracks
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
Mötley Crüe / Dr. Feelgood / Dr. Feelgood
Geinoh Yamashirogumi / Tetsuo / AKIRA
Frozen Cloak / Frozen Cloak / Frozen Cloak
Jason Forrest / The Walls Of The City Shake (Featuring David Grubbs) / Shamelessly Exciting
$jammie the money / Get Paid / Get Paid
Spank Rock / Sweet Talk / YoYoYoYoYoYo
Dorian Concept / Color Sexist / When Planets Explode
Rob Sonic / Ready Aim Shoot / Sabotage Gigante
Jay Dee aka J Dilla / Reality Check (feat. Black Thought) / Jay Stay Paid
Shit Robot / Simple Things (Work It Out) (Main Mix) / Simple Things (Work It Out)
Last Step / Triple Self Portrait / 1961
Guido Möbius / Sssplitter / Gebirge
Neil Landstrumm / The Dose (with Ebola) / Lord For £39
The Poison Arrows / Oneself (Brother El Remix) / The Poison Arrows
Dan Deacon / Slow With Horns-Run For Your Life / Bromst
Monoton / Periodic Primes / Eight Lost Tracks
Bioterror on the AK Coast!
While Alaska governor Sarah Palin spends her final days in office spreading crazy via the Washington Post and Twittering about the strength and beauty of the state's bear population, she's ignoring a real treat to national defense that she swore she was on top of.
As Palin reminded us during the 2008 presidential campaign, Alaska is the United State's first line of defense against threats from neighboring Russia. But this week an obvious biological weapon started washing up on the shores of Wainwright and Barrow. The Coast Guard is not sure what it is yet, but check out this description:
"From the air it looks brownish with some sheen, but when you get close and put it up on the ice and in the bucket, it's kind of blackish stuff ... (and) has hairy strands on it."
Sarah, your nation needs you! Look out across the Bering Sea and stop the threat rearing it's ugly head on the other side of the Aleutians. Or unleash some of those pesky scientists to save your coastline from despoilment. Or, leave it for the next loser to clean up.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Weekly Weed News: Harry's Hookup?
Breaking news from the world mega-selling multimedia wizard fiction franchises! Some kid who plays some character in the ubiquitous Harry Potter juggernaut was busted for growing weed. After pleading guilty, he's facing a fourteen-year prison stint. I guess these books aren't just about hormonal adolescent sorcerers learning to use their "wands." They're building some magical gravity bongs up in that fantasy academy of theirs.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Flesh-Eating Cyborgs = The Way of the Future
Fuck. Oh well.
"Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot — that's right, "EATR" — 'can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment (and other organically-based energy sources), as well as use conventional and alternative fuels (such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar) when suitable,'
That "biomass" and "other organically-based energy sources" wouldn't necessarily be limited to plant material — animal and human corpses contain plenty of energy, and they'd be plentiful in a war zone."
Simulated Electronic Brain: "It's the neuronal equivalent of a Mexican wave"
I know about "The Wave" but I've never heard of "The Mexican Wave."
Regardless, guys in white lab coats are racing towards the vanguard to simulate human consciousness, starting by connecting a petri dish filled with rat brains to a super computer.
To wit:
"You can't assemble ever larger data fields and shake it and say, 'Ah, that's how consciousness emerges.'"
Oh snap! Dr. Markham of IBM just got totally faced by Dr. Koch of the California Institute of Technology. Hot scientist-on-scientist hairpulling ensues.
I'm not too worried about this...unless we found a way to connect a virtual, self-aware neural being to some kind of flesh eating cyborg. But that will never happen.
WTF! Curb Your Dog or Brits Love Images of Children Eating Poo
1) Who makes a report about a pile of crap? Does a cop come out and write it up? "Can you describe the poo?" Sweet Jesus!
2) Really, DAVID BUTT? This guy was born to be a source in a story about dog mess.
3) "Faeces" could be the coolest British-English spelling of a word. Way better than "colour"
4) Regardless of how effective it is, please do not show pictures of small children eating faeces.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Psionic Dehiscence - July 10
Bastards cancelled...oh well. Here's a heaping hot mess of unprepared free form radio. Take a listen.
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
Richard Strauss / Part 1 / Also Sprach Zarathustra
Elsa Lanchester / Fiji Fanny / Bawdy Cockney Songs
Audio Two / Top Billin / What More Can I Say
Funkadelic / I've Got a Thing, You've Got a Thing / Greatest Hits
Quincy Jones /
Bill Withers / Lovely Day / Greatest Hits
Aaron Neville / Hercules / Grits n' Grooves
Bob Marley / Johnny Was / Rastaman Vibration
Major Lazer / Hold the Line / Guns Don't Kill People...Lazers Do
Tuxedo Moon / What's the Use / Half Mute
Charles Wuorinen / Time's Encomium / Time's Encomium
Creedence Clearwater Revival / Born On a Bayu / The Creedence Collection
Make-Up / Tell it Like it Will Be / Sound Verite
Four Way Cross / Strictly Morphing / Four Way Cross
Tortoise / Flyrod / Tortoise
David Bowie / Memory of a Free Festival / Space Oddity
Neil Young / I Believe In You / After the Gold Rush
Klatuu / Little Meutrino / Klatuu
Grandaddy / Signal to Snow Ratio / Signal to Snow Ratio
Built to Spill / Car / There's Nothing Wrong With Love
The Feelies / Away / Only Life
The Buzzcocks / Real World / I Don't Mind the Buzzcocks
The Power Station / Some Like it Hot / The Power Station
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
Richard Strauss / Part 1 / Also Sprach Zarathustra
Elsa Lanchester / Fiji Fanny / Bawdy Cockney Songs
Audio Two / Top Billin / What More Can I Say
Funkadelic / I've Got a Thing, You've Got a Thing / Greatest Hits
Quincy Jones /
Bill Withers / Lovely Day / Greatest Hits
Aaron Neville / Hercules / Grits n' Grooves
Bob Marley / Johnny Was / Rastaman Vibration
Major Lazer / Hold the Line / Guns Don't Kill People...Lazers Do
Tuxedo Moon / What's the Use / Half Mute
Charles Wuorinen / Time's Encomium / Time's Encomium
Creedence Clearwater Revival / Born On a Bayu / The Creedence Collection
Make-Up / Tell it Like it Will Be / Sound Verite
Four Way Cross / Strictly Morphing / Four Way Cross
Tortoise / Flyrod / Tortoise
David Bowie / Memory of a Free Festival / Space Oddity
Neil Young / I Believe In You / After the Gold Rush
Klatuu / Little Meutrino / Klatuu
Grandaddy / Signal to Snow Ratio / Signal to Snow Ratio
Built to Spill / Car / There's Nothing Wrong With Love
The Feelies / Away / Only Life
The Buzzcocks / Real World / I Don't Mind the Buzzcocks
The Power Station / Some Like it Hot / The Power Station
Friday, July 10, 2009
Breaking: SoundArts Cancels!
Oh well...
No guest tonight. Me and the previously-monikered DJ M-80 will be doing something named "Call and Response" where I pick a song, then he vibes off of my song with a selection of his own. Enjoy.
No guest tonight. Me and the previously-monikered DJ M-80 will be doing something named "Call and Response" where I pick a song, then he vibes off of my song with a selection of his own. Enjoy.
Dorian Concept: Live
Just woke up to Dorian Concept's excellent Feb. 2009 record When Planets Explode. Obese, glitchy goodness. Please enjoy this video of Dorian in action, around the time the record dropped.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Oh yeah...Twitter
So, I'm starting to take the DJ Yuri G multimedia extravaganza a bit more seriously. So, follow me on Twitter... I'm @DJYuriG.
That is all.
That is all.
This week's special guests: SoundArts
Just down the street from the Pirate Cat cafe/studio is an awesome collective of musicians and producers who founded SoundArts. Aside from recording acts like Seahorse Liberation Army, Lily Taylor, and Pleasuremaker, SoundArts host classes, workshops, and music lessons to encourage creative basement/bedroom dwellers (like me) with good ideas but limited skills.
I met the SoundArts folks at the Maker Faire in May, where I got a look at the cool homemade electronic instruments they were showing off. All signs point to some kind of live performance with those instruments tomorrow night.
Tune in at 11:59pm Friday, July 10 and check it all out.
I met the SoundArts folks at the Maker Faire in May, where I got a look at the cool homemade electronic instruments they were showing off. All signs point to some kind of live performance with those instruments tomorrow night.
Tune in at 11:59pm Friday, July 10 and check it all out.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Psionic Dehiscence - July 4, 2009
Happy Independence Day! It's the American music club on Psionic Dehiscence with DJ Whatshisname.
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
The American Analog Set / Magnificent Seventies / From Our Living Room To Yours
Violent Femmes / American Music / Viva Wisconsin
Big Star / Back Of A Car/ #1 Record/Radio City
The Black Crowes / Remedy / The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion
Funkadelic / Hit It and Quit It / Maggot Brain
Isley Brothers / Fight the Power / The Heat is On
Sonic Youth / Kool Thing / Goo
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Crimson and Clover / I Love Rock 'N Roll
Yo La Tengo / We're An American Band / I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One
Warren Covington and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra / Tea for Two / Tea for Two Cha Chas
Elliott Smith / Independence Day / XO
Los Lobos / Saint Behind The Glass / Kiko
Johnny Cash / I Were a Carpenter / The Essential (Disc 2)
Woody Guthrie / Talking Hard Work / This Land is Your Land: The Asch Recordings, Vol. 1
Neil Young / Alabama / Harvest
Jelly Roll Morton / Fights and Weapons / Complete Library Of Congress Recordings By Alan Lomax
Leadbelly / The Gallis Pole / The Leadbelly Collection
Blind Willie McTell / Dying Crapshooter's Blues / Atlanta Twelve String
The Delgados / American Trilogy / The Great Eastern
John Wayne / The Pledge of Allegiance
William S. Burroughs / A Thanksgiving Prayer / Dead City Radio
MC5 / The American Ruse / Back In the USA
The Mothers of Invention / Trouble Every Day / Freak Out!
Outkast / Gasoline Dreams / Stankonia
Erykah Badu / Amerykahn Promise / New Amerykah, Pt. 1 (4th World War)
Public Enemy / Fight The Power / Fear Of A Black Planet
Bob Dylan / Chimes Of Freedom / Another Side Of Bob Dylan
PJ Harvey / Yuri-G / Rid Of Me
The American Analog Set / Magnificent Seventies / From Our Living Room To Yours
Violent Femmes / American Music / Viva Wisconsin
Big Star / Back Of A Car/ #1 Record/Radio City
The Black Crowes / Remedy / The Southern Harmony And Musical Companion
Funkadelic / Hit It and Quit It / Maggot Brain
Isley Brothers / Fight the Power / The Heat is On
Sonic Youth / Kool Thing / Goo
Joan Jett & The Blackhearts / Crimson and Clover / I Love Rock 'N Roll
Yo La Tengo / We're An American Band / I Can Hear The Heart Beating As One
Warren Covington and the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra / Tea for Two / Tea for Two Cha Chas
Elliott Smith / Independence Day / XO
Los Lobos / Saint Behind The Glass / Kiko
Johnny Cash / I Were a Carpenter / The Essential (Disc 2)
Woody Guthrie / Talking Hard Work / This Land is Your Land: The Asch Recordings, Vol. 1
Neil Young / Alabama / Harvest
Jelly Roll Morton / Fights and Weapons / Complete Library Of Congress Recordings By Alan Lomax
Leadbelly / The Gallis Pole / The Leadbelly Collection
Blind Willie McTell / Dying Crapshooter's Blues / Atlanta Twelve String
The Delgados / American Trilogy / The Great Eastern
John Wayne / The Pledge of Allegiance
William S. Burroughs / A Thanksgiving Prayer / Dead City Radio
MC5 / The American Ruse / Back In the USA
The Mothers of Invention / Trouble Every Day / Freak Out!
Outkast / Gasoline Dreams / Stankonia
Erykah Badu / Amerykahn Promise / New Amerykah, Pt. 1 (4th World War)
Public Enemy / Fight The Power / Fear Of A Black Planet
Bob Dylan / Chimes Of Freedom / Another Side Of Bob Dylan
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