While Alaska governor Sarah Palin spends her final days in office spreading crazy via the Washington Post and Twittering about the strength and beauty of the state's bear population, she's ignoring a real treat to national defense that she swore she was on top of.
As Palin reminded us during the 2008 presidential campaign, Alaska is the United State's first line of defense against threats from neighboring Russia. But this week an obvious biological weapon started washing up on the shores of Wainwright and Barrow. The Coast Guard is not sure what it is yet, but check out this description:
"From the air it looks brownish with some sheen, but when you get close and put it up on the ice and in the bucket, it's kind of blackish stuff ... (and) has hairy strands on it."
Sarah, your nation needs you! Look out across the Bering Sea and stop the threat rearing it's ugly head on the other side of the Aleutians. Or unleash some of those pesky scientists to save your coastline from despoilment. Or, leave it for the next loser to clean up.
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