The cover story for the September 15 issue of Fortune magazine is called "How Marijuana Became Legal" and features a straightforward, clear-eyed assessment of the American marijuana economy. It also touches on several of the items we've covered on Weekly Weed News over the past year. For example:
"In California...A legalization bill has been introduced in the state legislature, and the state board of equalization has estimated that if passed, it would bring in $1.4 billion in new revenue, a seemingly conservative estimate."
"After rigorous testing, the FDA found THC to be safe and effective for the treatment of nausea, vomiting, and wasting diseases. This lawful, Schedule II drug, trade-named Marinol, is taken orally, by capsule."
"The best-known is Oaksterdam University, which trains medical cannabis entrepreneurs to navigate the business and legal challenges."
Then there's Marie Claire, which published a story called "Stiletto Stoners" about educated, professional women who relax with a joint instead of a glass of wine at the end of a hard day:
"She twists off the cap, pinches off a piece of the fragrant green bud inside, gingerly places it in the bowl of the pipe, and lights up. Over the next 30 minutes, she takes three deep drags, enough to drown out the noise whirring in her head. Then she eats."
That sounds about right. Good to see mainstream press actually addressing the nation's millions of marijuana users as grown-ups. Now about that drug war...
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